Page 245 - COSTILES catalogue APAVISA 2024
P. 245

Washbasins - Lavabos                                                       pag 18  pag 18                                                                                                                         pag 12       45

                                                                       L 180          L 180 x W 50 - L 70.86” x W 19.68”0   H 12 cm  50                                                        L 180           L 180 x W 45 - L 70.86”x W 17.7”  H 12 cm
                                                                       Niagra White Natural (one side drain)  G-2988                                                                           Basic Natural (all sides drain)     G-2980  12
                                                                       Niagra White Polished (one side drain)  G-2994                                                                          Basic Polished (all sides drain)    G-2986
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          80 -
                                                                                                                                                                                               L 120           L 120 x W 45 - L 47.24”x W 17.7” 180  H 12 cm
                                                                                                        12      12
                                                                                                                                                                                               Basic Natural (all sides drain)     G-2976
                                                                                        80 - 180  80 - 180                                                                                     Basic Polished (all sides drain)    G-2982
                                                                                                                                                                                               L 80             L 80 x W 45 - L 31.49”x W 17.7”  H 12 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                         simple top “SIMPLICITY”
                                                                                                                                                                                               Basic Natural (all sides drain)     G-2976
                                                                                                                                                                                               Basic Polished (all sides drain)    G-2982
                                                                                                                                                                           pag 36                                          45                                                                                                                                                           LAVABOS MONOBLOC
                                                                                            leaning top “SERENE”
                                                                                                    leaning top “SERENE”
          Niagra                                                                            12      12                            Basic                                                                                     12
                                                                            80 - 180  80 - 180  pag 28                                                                                                       80 - 180
                                                                                                                                                                            50     50     simple top “SIMPLICITY COVERED”

                                                                                        leaning top “BRAVE”
                                                                                leaning top “BRAVE”
                                              90      90                      50      50                                                                                               75

                                                                                12      12                        45                                                                                       45
                                                                 80 - 180 L 180        L 180 x W 45 - L 70.86”x W 17.7”  H 12 cm  pag 12                                                       L 45             L 45 x W 45 - L 17.7”x W 17.7”  H 90 cm
                                                                         80 - 180
                                                                       Block Natural (all sides drain)     G-2988                                                                              Free Standing Natural (all sides drain)  G-2976
                                                                       Block Polished (all sides drain)    G-2994                                                         monobloc “ESSENTIAL”  Free Standing Polished (all sides drain)  G-2984
                                                                       L 120           L 120 x W 45 - L 47.24”x W 17.7”  H 12 cm                                                             80 - 180
                                                                       Block Natural (all sides drain)  100 - 180
                                                                       Block Polished (all sides drain)    G-2990
                                                                       L 80            L 80 x W 45 - L 31.49”x W 17.7”  H 12 cm                                             simple top “SIMPLICITY LINEAL”  45
                                                                       Block Natural (all sides drain)     G-2980
                                                                       Block Polished (all sides drain)    G-2986
                                                                                  complex top “OPAQUE”
                                                                                                                                                                                       90                    90
                                                                       leaning top “ANGULAR”
                                                               leaning top “ANGULAR”
                                                                12     12
                                                80 - 180  80 - 180                                   12                           45
          Block                                                                     100 - 180                                      Free Standing                          monobloc “GRAVITY”    monobloc
                                                                                                                                                                                                “GRAVITY COVERED”
                                                                                                                   80 - 180                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIMPLE TOP
                                                                                                                                                                             55      45           55       45
                                                   leaning top “ANGLE”
                                                           leaning top “ANGLE”
                                                                    complex top “OPAQUE COVERED”
                                                                                                 simple top “SIMPLICITY”
                                                   12      12                        45
                                                                                                                                                                                         90                    90
                                    80 - 180  80 - 180
                                                                                      12                                          Technical Features Linetop                                                                                                                                                          LEANING TOP
                                                                      100 - 180                                    45
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LEANING TOP
                                                                                                                                  Características Técnicas Linetop
                                                                       L 180           L 180 x W 45 - L 70.86”x W 17.7”  H 12 cm
                                                                       Simple Natural (one side drain)     G-2982
                                                                       Simple Polished (one side drain)    G-2988   12                                                    monobloc “NOVA”       monobloc
                                                     complex top “LIQUID”
                                               leaning top “SYMMETRY”
                                       leaning top “SYMMETRY”
                                                                                                          H 12 cm
                                                                       L 120           L 120 x W 45 - L 47.24”x W 17.7”- 180                                                                    “NOVA COVERED”
                                                                       Simple Natural (one side drain)     G-2978
                                                                       Simple Polished (one side drain)    G-2984
                                                                                                                                   Color resistance to light  Frost resistant  Humidity resistance  Resistance to staining  UV resistant  Heat resistant
                                                                                                          H 12 cm
                                                                                       L 80 x W 45 - L 31.49”x W 17.7”
                                                                       L 80       simple top “SIMPLICITY COVERED”
                                       12      12                                                                                  Resistencia del color a la luz  Resistente a heladas  Anti-hume  50  Anti-manchas  50  Resistencia a rayos UV  Resistencia al calor
                        80 - 100  80 - 100                             Simple Natural (one side drain)     G-2978
                                                                       Simple Polished (one side drain)    G-2984
                                                                        12                                                           140x45x12 con tapa. Acabado Gubi cloud.            90                   90
                                                        100 - 180                                  45                             Resists to mould and bacteria  Easy cleaning  Thermal shock resistant  Dimensional stability  Resistant to abrasion  Chemical resistant
                                 leaning top “LIVELY”
                         leaning top “LIVELY”
                                                                                                                                                                     Resistencia a cambios
                                                                                                                                   Resiste a moho y bacterias  Fácil limpieza         Estabilidad dimensional  Resiste a la abrasión  Resistencia química
                                                                                                                                                                       de temperatura
                                                                                                                                      Encimera “simplicity covered” de dimensiones
          Simple  Acabado Blanco pulido.  complex top “LIQUID COVERED”                               12
                                                                                    80 - 180                                                                              monobloc “CLASSIC”   monobloc
        Acabado Blanco pulido.
                                                                                                                                                                                               “CLASSIC COVERED”
         Encimera “serene” de dimensiones 160x50x12.
  Encimera “serene” de dimensiones 160x50x12.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  p. 486  - 487
                                                                  simple top “SIMPLICITY LINEAL”
                                                          12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  COMPLEX TOP
                                           80 - 180
                         complex top “SOLID”
                                                                                                                                                                          Lavabo monobloc “gravity” de dimensiones 45x45x90.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Acabado Calacatta natural.
                                            12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SIMPLE TOP
                            80 - 180
           complex top “SOLID COVERED”

               Acabado Allure grey.
      Encimera “opaque” de dimensiones 160x45x1.

                           Encimera “simplicity covered” de dimensiones
                          140x45x12 con tapa. Acabado Gubi cloud.
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