Page 75 - COSTILES Carrelages et Bains - Catalogue Mariner Ceramique 2023
P. 75

BOSTON                                                                                                                 GR E S  P O R C E L L A N AT O  S M ALTAT O  G L A Z ED  P O R C EL A I N  T I L E  PEI 4  V3        INK-JET

        CO LO R I   C OL OR S                                                                                                  F O R M AT I   S I Z E S

                                                                                                                               30x30 12”x12”                            Naturale Natural R9
                                                                                                                                                                          9,5 mm
                                                                                                                                52 Printing                             13x
                                                                                                                                                                        BO3030WH       White
                                                                                                                                                                        BO3030GR       Grey
                                                                                                                                                                        BO3030AS        Ash
                                                                                                                                                                        BO3030MU        Mud
             WHITE              GREY              ASH               MUD

        F O R M AT I   S I Z E S                                                                                               DE C OR I   D E CO R S

        60x120 24”x48”                           Rettificato Rectified R9                                                      30x34 12”x13.4”                          Mosaico Ottagona su rete
                                                   9 mm                                                                                                                 6x
         13 Printings                            2x                                                                                                                      76  *
                                                  149                                                                                                                   BOESAWH        White
                                                 BO120WHR9      White                                                                                                   BOESAGR        Grey
                                                 BO120GRR9      Grey                                                                                                    BOESAAS         Ash
                                                 BO120ASR9       Ash                                                                                                    BOESAMU         Mud            Vendita tassativa a scatole complete Sale in full boxes only
                                                 BO120MUR9       Mud
                                                                                                                               30x30 12”x12”                            Mosaico 5x5 su rete
                                                                                                                                                                         35  *
                                                                                                                                                                        BOMOSWH        White
        80x80 32”x32”                            Rettificato Rectified R9     Rettificato Rectified R11     OUT                                                         BOMOSGR        Grey
                                                   9 mm                   9 mm                                                                                          BOMOSAS         Ash
         16 Printings                            2x                     2x                                                                                              BOMOSMU         Mud            Vendita tassativa a scatole complete Sale in full boxes only
                                                  149                   149
                                                 BO80WH         White   BO80WHG        White
                                                 BO80GR         Grey    BO80GRG        Grey
                                                 BO80AS          Ash                                                           PE Z Z I  S PEC I A L I   S P E C I A L  T R I M S
                                                 BO80MU          Mud    BO80MUG        Mud

                                                                                                                               Battiscopa Digitale  Battiscopa Digitale  Gradino Lineare Costa Retta  Angolare Costa Retta
                                                                                                                               6x60 2.4”x24”     6x80 2.4”x32”      33x120x3 13.20”x48”x1.2”  33x120x3 13.20”x48”x1.2”
                                                                                                                               15x               8x                 2x                    2x
        40x80 16”x32”                            Rettificato Rectified R9                                                       30                48                190
                                                   9 mm                                                                                                                                   BOCODS DX/SX    195
                                                 3x                                                                            BO60BATWH  White  BO80BATWH  White   BOCOLIWH  White       BOCODX DX       194
                                                  149                                                                          BO60BATGR  Grey   BO80BATGR  Grey    BOCOLIGR   Grey       BOCOSX SX       194
                                                 BO40WH         White                                                          BO60BATAS   Ash   BO80BATAS   Ash    BOCOLIAS    Ash
                                                 BO40GR         Grey                                                           BO60BATMU  Mud    BO80BATMU   Mud    BOCOLIMU   Mud
                                                 BO40AS          Ash
                                                 BO40MU          Mud

        60x60 24”x24”                            Rettificato Rectified R9     Rettificato Rectified R11     OUT
                                                   9 mm                   9 mm
         26 Printings                            3x                     3x
                                                  130                   130
                                                 BO6060WHR      White   BO6060WHRR11   White
                                                 BO6060GRR      Grey    BO6060GRRR11   Grey
                                                 BO6060ASR       Ash
                                                 BO6060MUR       Mud    BO6060MURR11   Mud

                                                                                                                                     Guarda la gamma Boston 30x90 rivestimento a pagina 264 e Boston 20x50 rivestimento a pagina 314
                                                                                                                                     View the wall tile Boston 30x90 range at page 264 and wall tile Boston 20x50 range at page 314
        30x60 12”x24”                            Rettificato Rectified R9
                                                   9 mm
                                                 6x                                                                            BOSTON                                       pcs/box    mq/box     kg/box    box/pallet  mq/pallet  kg/pallet
                                                                                                                               60x120 24”x48” Rettificato Rectified R9        2         1,44      28,40       36        51,84    1022,40
                                                 BO3060WHR      White
                                                 BO3060GRR      Grey                                                           80x80 32”x32” Rettificato Rectified R9 - R11   2         1,28      24,96       40        51,20    998,40
                                                 BO3060ASR       Ash                                                           40x80 16”x32” Rettificato Rectified R9         3         0,96      18,66       28        26,88    522,48
                                                 BO3060MUR       Mud                                                           60x60 24”x24” Rettificato Rectified R9 - R11   3         1,08      21,30       40        43,20    852,00
                                                                                                                               30x60 12”x24” Rettificato Rectified R9         6         1,08      21,00       48        51,84    1008,00
                                                                                                                               30x30 12”x12” Naturale Natural R9              13        1,17      23,75       42        49,14    997,55

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