Page 96 - COSTILES catalogue AVILADOS 2023
P. 96

ADVANCE System                                                                                                                                                                     SEE COMPLETE RANGE      SEE SAMPLES OF       HETTICH HIGH RANGE drawers with full-extension, soft

                                                                                                                                                                                          OF MIRRORS Page 170     FINISHES Page 184  > close and triple adjustment. ORGANISERS AS STANDARD
       The TRENDY Collections

                                                              - PRICES -                                                                                                                               - PRICES -

       CONFIGURATIONS OF BESPOKE UNITS                                                                                                         CONFIGURATIONS OF BESPOKE UNITS

        MADE TO MEASURE                                                                                                                         MADE TO MEASURE

                                                                                               From 120 to 160
                                                                                               From 161 to 200                                                                                                                             From 120 to 160
                                                                                                                                                                                                      80                                   From 161 to 200              80
                                                              60                                                                60
        2 DRAWERS + 1 DOOR                From 80 to 120                  2 DRAWERS + 2 DOORS                                                  1 DOOR + 3 DRAWES                                                   2 DOORS + 3 DRAWERS
                                          From 121 to 150
                                                                                                                                                                              From 80 to 120
        Made to measure                                  45,2             Made to measure                                   45,2               Made to measure                                      45,2           Made to measure                                            45,2
                                                                                                                                                                              From 121 to 150
                                        MATT     GLOSS
          WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED                     OAK              WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED  MATT      GLOSS    OAK                 WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED  MATT      GLOSS    OAK                WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED  MATT     GLOSS     OAK
                                      LACQUER   LACQUER                                                  LACQUER   LACQUER                                                    LACQUER   LACQUER                                                  LACQUER   LACQUER
        80 to 120  30.01.242                                              120 to 160  30.01.246                                                 80 to 120  30.01.362                                               120 to 160  30.01.366
         121 to 150   30.01.243                                            161 to 200   30.01.247                                               121 to 150   30.01.363                                              161 to 200   30.01.367
         IMPORTANT:                                                        IMPORTANT:                                                           IMPORTANT:                                                          IMPORTANT:
         Measures less than 139 cm only admits offset basins. From 140 cm it also admits   Only suitable for twin basins and / or offset, NEVER centred basins.   Measures less than 139 cm only admits offset basins. From 140 cm it also admits   Only suitable for double basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred basins.
         basins with centred basin. Double basins are not allowed in any size.                                                                  basins with centred basin. Double basins are not allowed in any size.
         The furniture is equipped with a drainage system without organisers,
         the design does not allow for this.

                                                                                                From 120 to 160
                                                                                                From 161 to 200
                                                                                                                                 60                                                                                                                                      60
        1 DOOR + 2 DRAWERS                                    60           2 DOORS + 2 DRAWERS                                                 1D + 3D +1D                                                         4 DRAWERS                 From 120 to 160
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             From 161 to 200
        Made to measure                                                    Made to measure                                   45,2              Made to measure                                                     Made to measure                                    45,2
                                                                                                                                                                              From 120 to 160
                                                                                                                                                                              From 161 to 200
                                           From 80 to 120                                                                                                                                           45,2
                                           From 121 to 150   45,2
                                        MATT      GLOSS                                                    MATT      GLOSS                                                     MATT      GLOSS                                                     MATT      GLOSS
          WIDTH    REFERENCE  LAMINATED                    OAK               WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED                     OAK                WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED                     OAK                WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED                     OAK
                                       LACQUER   LACQUER                                                  LACQUER   LACQUER                                                   LACQUER   LACQUER                                                   LACQUER   LACQUER
         80 to 120  30.01.262                                              120 to 160  30.01.266                                               120 to 160  30.01.344                                               120 to 160  30.01.248
         121 to 150   30.01.263                                             161 to 200   30.01.267                                              161 to 200  30.01.345                                               161 to 200  30.01.249
         IMPORTANT:                                                         IMPORTANT:                                                          IMPORTANT:                                                          MPORTANT:
         Measures less than 139 cm only admits offset basins. From 140 cm it also admits   Only suitable for twin basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred / single basins.  Only centred basins are allowed. Offset basins or double basins are not allowed.  Only suitable for twin basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred basins.
         basins with centred basin. Double basins are not allowed in any size.
         The furniture is equipped with a drainage system without organisers,
         the design does not allow for this.

                                                                                                                                                                     From 120 to 160                                                                                     80
                                                                                                                                                                     From 161 to 200                80
                                                              60                                                                 80
       1 D + 2 DRW + 1 D             From 120 to 160                       3 DRAWERS + 1 DOOR                From 80 to 120                   3 DRAWERS + 2 DOORS                                                   6 DRAWERS                  From 120 to 160
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               From 161 to 200
       Made to measure               From 161 to 200      45,2             Made to measure                                             From 121 to 150  45,2  Made to measure                                           45,2  Made to measure                          45,2

                                       MATT      GLOSS                                                     MATT      GLOSS                                                    MATT     GLOSS                                                        MATT      GLOSS
         WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED                     OAK                WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED                     OAK               WIDTH   REFERENCE  LAMINATED                     OAK                  WIDTH    REFERENCE  LAMINATED                    OAK
                                      LACQUER   LACQUER                                                   LACQUER   LACQUER                                                  LACQUER   LACQUER                                                     LACQUER   LACQUER
       120 to 160  30.01.244                                                80 to 120  30.01.342                                              120 to 160  30.01.346                                                 120 to 160  30.01.348
        161 to 200   30.01.245                                              121 to 150   30.01.343                                             161 to 200  30.01.347                                                 161 to 200  30.01.349

         IMPORTANT:                                                        IMPORTANT:                                                          IMPORTANT:                                                            MPORTANT:
         Only centred-bowl basins can be used. Neither offset basins or double basins may   Size smaller than 139 cm admits only offset basin. From 140 cm also admits centred   Only suitable for double basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred basins.  Only suitable for twin basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred basins.
         be used.                                                          basin. Twin basins are not allowed in any size.

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