Page 118 - COSTILES catalogue AVILADOS 2023
P. 118

NOVUS Collection                                                                                                                                                                  SEE COMPLETE RANGE     SEE SAMPLES OF

                                                                                                                                                                                         OF MIRRORS Page170     FINISHES Page 186  >  HETTICH HIGH RANGE drawers with full-extension, soft
       The TRENDY Collections                                                                                                                                                                                                        close and triple adjustment. ORGANISERS AS STANDARD

                                                                                                                                               MATT OR GLOSSY LACQUERED FINISHES (CUSTOMISED COLOURS ACCORDING TO RAL / NCS CHART POSSIBLE. INCREASE 15%)
                                                                                                                                               NOTE: The number on the right is gloss and the number on the left is matt. If there is only one, it means it can not done in gloss.

                                                                                                                                               Nº 70/63 Nº 34/K7  Nº 49/76  Nº 71  Nº M5/K5  Nº 32  Nº 51  Nº 88  Nº M2/K2 Nº M4/K4 Nº M6/K6 Nº 22/K9  Nº N0/G0 Nº N1/G1 Nº N2/G2 Nº N3/G3 Nº N4/G4 Nº N5/G5 Nº N6/G6 Nº N7/G7 Nº N8/G8 Nº N9/G9

                                                                                               Nº R2   Nº R3  Nº R0   Nº R5  Nº R6            MADE TO MEASURE

                                                                                                                                                 NEW                                                              NEW                      From 130 to 160
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           From 161 to 200
        PUSH OPENING                HANDLE                                                                 80-100-120                                               From 60 to 90
                                                                                                                                                1 DRAWER                                                          1 D + 2 DRW + 1 D
                                                                                                                                                                    From 91 to 120
        SETUPS                                                                                                                                  Made to measure                                32,5               Made to measure                                    60
                                                     32,5                                                                                         WIDTH  REFERENCE    MATT       GLOSS     OAK                       WIDTH   REFERENCE    MATT     GLOSS      OAK
                                                                                                                                                                     LACQUER    LACQUER                                                 LACQUER   LACQUER
       1 DRAWER                                                         1 DOOR + 2 DRAWERS                                                       60 to 90  26.07.138                                               130 to 160   26.07.261
                              60-80-100-120       45,5                                                            45,5                           91 to 120  26.07.139                                               161 to 200    26.07.262
                             MATT      GLOSS                                                  MATT      GLOSS
        WIDTH   REFERENCE   LACQUER   LACQUER     OAK                    WIDTH   REFERENCE  LACQUER    LACQUER    OAK                           2 DRAWERS               From 60 to 90
                                                                                                                                                                        From 91 to 120
         60     26.07.106                                                 100    26.07.240                                                                                                    60
         80     26.07.108                                                 120*   26.07.242                                                      Made to measure                                                                            From 120 to 160
         100    26.07.110                                                                                                                                              MATT      GLOSS      45,5                  NEW                      From 161 to 200
         120*   26.07.105                                                 IMPORTANT:                                                              WIDTH   REFERENCE   LACQUER    LACQUER    OAK                   2 DRAWERS + 2 DOORS                                60
        120**   26.07.112                                                 The unit with 2 drawers and door carries under-sink drawer without     60 to 90   26.07.218                                             Made to measure
                                                                          organisers, the design does not allow for this. It only accepts centred
                                                                          or offset washbasins.                                                  91 to 120   26.07.219                                                                                             45,5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MATT      GLOSS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WIDTH   REFERENCE                        OAK
                                                                                                                                                                                      From 120 to 160                                   LACQUER    LACQUER
                                                                        NEW                                                                      NEW                                  From 161 to 200
                                                     60                                                             32,5                                                                                           120 to 160   26.07.271
       2 DRAWERS                                                        1 DRAWER                                                                1 DRAWER + 1 DRAWER                                                 161 to 200    26.07.272
                                                                        Reduced depth                                                           Made to measure                                 32,5                IMPORTANT:
                               60-80-100-120                                                                      39                                                                           45,5                 Only suitable for double basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred
                                                  45,5                                           60-80-100                                                                                                          basins.
                                                                                                                                                   WIDTH   REFERENCE  LACQUER    LACQUER    OAK
                             MATT      GLOSS                                                  MATT      GLOSS
        WIDTH   REFERENCE                         OAK                    WIDTH   REFERENCE                        OAK                            120 to 160   26.07.161
                            LACQUER   LACQUER                                               LACQUER    LACQUER
                                                                                                                                                 161 to 200
         60     26.07.206                                                 60     26.07.116                                                       IMPORTANT:   26.07.166
         80     26.07.208                                                 80     26.07.118                                                       It admits offset basins and double basins, but never centred basins.                      From 120 to 160
         100    26.07.210                                                 100    26.07.120                                                                                                                        NEW                      From 161 to 200
         120*   26.07.205                                                                                                                                                                                          2 DOORS + 2 DRAWERS                                60
        120**   26.07.212                                                                                                                                                From 100 to 120
                                                                                                                                                                         From 121 to 160                           Made to measure
                                         80-100-120                                                                                                                                                                                                                 45,5
                                                                                                                                                2 DRAWERS + 1 DOOR                            60                                          MATT      GLOSS
                                                                                                                                                Made to measure                                                      WIDTH   REFERENCE  LACQUER    LACQUER    OAK
                                                    60                                                                                                                                        45,5                 120 to 160   26.07.276
                                                                                                                      60                                               MATT      GLOSS                              161 to 200    26.07.277
                                                                        NEW                                                                        WIDTH  REFERENCE  LACQUER    LACQUER    OAK                      IMPORTANT:
      2 DRAWERS + 1 DOOR                        45,5                    2 DRAWERS                                                                100 to 120   26.07.217                                             Only suitable for double basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred
                                                                        Reduced depth           60-80-100         39                              121 to 160   26.07.291                                            basins.
                                                                                                                                                  Measures below 130 cm only accept centred and/or offset basins. From
                                                                                                                                                  131 cm and above also accepts double basins. The unit is equipped wi-
                           MATT       GLOSS                                                   MATT      GLOSS
       WIDTH  REFERENCE                         OAK                      WIDTH   REFERENCE                        OAK                             thunder sink drawer without organisers, the design does not allow it.
                          LACQUER    LACQUER                                                LACQUER    LACQUER
       100     26.07.230                                                  60     26.07.126
       120*    26.07.232                                                  80     26.07.128                                                                               From 100 to 120                                                   From 120 to 160
                                                                                                                                                                         From 121 to 160
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           From 161 to 200
                                                                          100    26.07.130
      IMPORTANT:                                                                                                                                1 DOOR + 2 DRAWERS                              60                4 DRAWERS                                          60
      The unit with 2 drawers and door carries under-sink drawer without
      organisers, the design does not allow for this. It only accepts centred                                                                   Made to measure                               45,5                Made to measure                                 45,5
      or offset washbasins.                                             120*     Under sink drawer, for centred  basin
                                                                        120**  Double under sink drawers for twin basins                           WIDTH  REFERENCE    MATT      GLOSS     OAK                       WIDTH  REFERENCE    MATT      GLOSS     OAK
                                                                                                                                                                     LACQUER    LACQUER                                                LACQUER    LACQUER
                                                                                                                                                 100 to 120   26.07.289   1.199 €  1.454 €  1.553 €                120 to 160   26.07.281
                             INFORMATION:                                                                                                         121 to 160   26.07.290   1.226 €  1.508 €  1.575 €                161 to 200   26.07.282
                             All modules for countertop basins, with the exception of those with a compact stone countertop, will be supplied
                             closed at the top, and therefore already include the countertop on which the washbasins are placed.                 IMPORTANT:                                                        IMPORTANT:
                                                                                                                                                 Measures below 130 cm only accept centred and/or offset basins. From   Only suitable for double basins and/or offset basins, NEVER centred
                                                                                                                                                 131 cm and above also accepts double basins. The unit is equipped wi-  basins.
                                                                                                                                                 thunder sink drawer without organisers, the design does not allow it.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Good people, Nice Bathrooms   |  119
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